Thursday, April 30, 2009

3 Months Old

Gabriella is now 3 months old , time is really flying by
She is such a happy baby smiling and laughing all the time
She loves Peek a Boo and is grabbing at toys that are in front of her
She is scooting across her crib, at night we put her down at the back end and when she wakes up she is at the top end
She is sleeping 8-9 hours at a time at night
She loves attention and has become quite the Chatty Kathy
She has started the teething process........

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Smiles all around

Gabby loves attention and when you play with her she loves to smile and laugh back at you. She is our happpy girl!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone

We hope that everyone had a very happy Easter, Gabby & John had a wonderful weekend filled with lots of Easter activities and fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My 1st Picture with the Easter Bunny

Well we tried to have pictures taken with the Easter bunny but Gabriella wasn't to sure about the big fuzzy bunny. We were able to get our own quick shot before she started screaming. Maybe next year...