Monday, June 29, 2009

The Gabster has her first 2 teeth

Gabby has gotten her first 2 teeth, right in the front on the bottom. They look so cute. We think she may have some more on the way right behind them, because the drooling has gotten worse and so has her sleeping, LOL.... Stay tuned!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gabby is 5 months old today!!!

We can not believe that Gabriella is 5 months old already
She has gotten her 1st 2 teeth right in the front on the bottom
She is rolling & scooting herself all over the place
Baby Eeyore is her favorite cuddle doll
Peaches & Squash are her favorite foods & because she loves to eat she is now going into size 9 months in clothing
Her big brother is as always her favorite person and how she loves to play with him
She is trying to sit up on her own
and last but not least she has found her feet and loves to play with them LOL..
See you next month for more updates...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy, I am the luckiest little girl in the wolrd to have you as my Daddy and to my Poppy & Gramps too..... I love you very much!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This ones for you Nana P.

Well we think the shirt speaks for itself, we just couldn't resist giving props to Nana Palovchik!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Gabriella is 4 months Old

Gabby is now 4 months old and she is just too precious.
She now weighs 15 lbs and is 23 1/2" long which puts her in the 5oth percentile for height & weight.
Her biggest achievement was today as she rolled herself over for the first time, Hooray!!
Her new favorite food is carrots, and oh what a mess she makes.....
She had her first swim in the pool but wasn't a big fan, it was still too cold for her
She loves to blow raspberries at everyone but especially at her Daddy and her favorite person is again her Big brother, she loves to play and laugh with him, stiil no teeth yet but the drool is getting worse and the gums are very swollen, so anytime now!!