Friday, January 30, 2009

Gabriella Christine has arrived

Gabriella Christine Palovchik
January 27th 2009
8:20 am
8 lbs 7 ozs
20 1/2 inches
We are so happy to have our little girl here with us Happy & Healthy. It was a long emotional road to get us here but now that it has arrived we are enjoying each moment. John loves being a Big brother and takes very good care of his little sister. Thank you to all our family & friends who have been here for us and who have sent such wonderful gifts and well wishes to our Children. we love you all and hope you enjoy the newest addition to our family as much as we do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Glad to hear all is well. The pictures are adorable! John looks like such a good big brother. I've been thinking about you and the fam. Just wanted to give you some space to get used to the new edition. Call me whenever you can. I miss you!
