Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy 6 month Birthday Gabriella

So 1/2 of the year has come and gone already and Gabby just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
So she now weighs 15.5 lbs and is 25 inches long.
She is chatting all the time , but the only word you can understand is of course Dada!
Her favorite baby food is Sweet Potatoes and pears but lately she has been eyeing everything we eat LOL
She still only has 2 teeth but her eye teeth are starting to break the surface which has meant some sleepless nights for the rest of us, LOL
She is starting to crawl across the floor and gets around pretty fast
Playtime is now done sitting up all on her own, Hooray!!
She loves to play and laugh especially with her brother who is still her favorite with Daddy in a close second and Mommy well I am last on the list, LOL.....
Tony and I couldn't be happier to have Gabriella in our lives she has been the perfect addition to the family and we love her with all of our hearts!!

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