Thursday, August 27, 2009

7 Months Old already!!

So let's see Gabby now has 7 teeth that have already come through and 1 that is starting to, they make her look so grown up.
She is starting to crawl more and more especially on our bed and the couch, LOL
She loves to scoot around in her Jeep walker and runs us all over
Spongebob and Special Agent Oso are her new favorite shows to watch with her brother and she loves the Dell commercial with the Lollipop song, it always makes her smile
She is chatting and making all sorts of funny faces that make us all laugh, no Mama yet but I am hoping to hear it soon
The water has become her new favorite playtime activity whether it is the pool or the tub she has a blast!
She has become quite the Diva with a wardrobe I would kill for, LOL...
See you all next month!!!

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