Sunday, September 27, 2009

8 months old already!!

8 months old already and Gabby is doing a whole bunch of new things.
She is now the fastest crawler in the south, we are finding her everywhere in the house.
She has begun standing herself up on the couch and anything she can hold on to, and once in awhile she tries to let go and stand all on her own.
I have finally heard her call Mama but only when she is really tired and cranky LOL..
Imitating everything her Daddy does is her favorite pastime!!!
Baby food is now her least favorite as she would rather have what we are eating.
She has been officially turned around in her carseat to the forward position and is very vocal about how happy she is to be able to see everyone!
The Disney channel has her favorite TV shows and she loves to sing and laugh with them.
We absolutely love this age and being able to play and laugh with her.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Look at her standing time goes by so fast, she is beautiful.