Saturday, December 5, 2009

Our Letter to Santa

Click to play this Smilebox greeting: Our letter to Santa
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Amanda said...

i love this so cute, i see the similarities but they are so different too,

Aunt Lorraine said...

This is so wonderful. Thank you Tammy for thinking of us. I Look forward to receiving pictures of your beautiful children. Uncle Ed andi Hope you ,Anthony and the children have a wonderful Christmas. We are going to be going to visit Jennifer and her family. Love to all.

Aunt Lorraine

Pat D said...

What a great idea. They are such beautiful children. We just found out today that Steven and Gab are having a girl. We are all so excited.

Thanks for always thinking about me and sending pictures...I love seeing them.


Sandra said...

Very cute Tam, but you forgot Happy Hannukah for us Jews :)) and you know I still expect a real paper card!! Love ya. Happy Kwanza :)
Your favorite cousin

Christine P said...

Wow Tami, what a cute card and of course you have the cutest kids ever!