Friday, December 4, 2009

Notre Dame Girls

You don't get more Irish than Blue eyed girls wearing Notre Dame caps!!

It's Beginning to look alot like Christmas

We are so excited to watch Gabriella celebrate her 1st Christmas, she loves the lights and the ornaments on the tree and dances to Christmas music when it plays. 21 days baby girl!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

10 Months Old

So 10 months have come and gone and Gabriella is learning new things everyday.
She is currently 17 lbs and 27 " in height
She tries to say thank you by imitating the sound when you say it to her
She loves to dance
Clapping hands is her new favorite
Baby goldfish and pizza are her new favorite foods for the month
She has learned how to open & close the DVD Player
She still loves her big brother and every morning looks for him when she gets up.
She is trying to stand on her own look out!!
Until next month...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy 9 month birthday baby girl

This month has been so exciting. I got to celebrate my first Halloween and it was so much fun I especially liked getting dressed up as Raggedy Ann. I love to eat regular foods now I am not a big fan of the baby food anymore, eggs, pancakes and macaroni are my favorite! I am a speed crawler and I love to dance to any music I hear, I even dance in my car seat!! My favorite TV shows are Oso, Mickey Mouse and anything Sesame Street. I love to look at books with my Mom & Dad and point at all the cool pictures. I am starting to stand up here and there all on my own, poor Mommy can't leave me alone for a second. I now weigh 19lbs, Daddy says I need to get a JOB to pay for all my new clothes, LOL.... My brother is still my favorite person to play with he teaches me so many things I really love him.... See you next month

Saturday, October 24, 2009

So excited for my 1st Halloween

So this is my first Halloween and Mommy helped me pick out my costume, do you like it? Can't wait to go Trick or Treating my brother tells me it is alot of fun...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Little Devil

We thought we would share one of our favorite Gabby Faces, the Devil LOL

Gabriella's Favorite TV Show

Gabby loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every chance she gets, her favorite is of course Mickey himself.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gabriella's Toybox

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Gabriella's Toybox is finished and she loves it already. Daddy made this with lots of love and devotion for his Princess!! Thanks Daddy, oh and Mommy & John too...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hanging at the Beach

We love going to the beach at night and having a family picnic, it is always a fun time!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Halloween Preview

So we thought you all might like to get a preview of Gabby's Halloween Costume, we think she makes an adorable Raggedy Ann!! Can't wait for Halloween....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Aunt Bryanne comes to visit

Aunt Bryanne came to visit us from NY it was a wonderful surprise, we had the best time!!
We miss her already!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

8 months old already!!

8 months old already and Gabby is doing a whole bunch of new things.
She is now the fastest crawler in the south, we are finding her everywhere in the house.
She has begun standing herself up on the couch and anything she can hold on to, and once in awhile she tries to let go and stand all on her own.
I have finally heard her call Mama but only when she is really tired and cranky LOL..
Imitating everything her Daddy does is her favorite pastime!!!
Baby food is now her least favorite as she would rather have what we are eating.
She has been officially turned around in her carseat to the forward position and is very vocal about how happy she is to be able to see everyone!
The Disney channel has her favorite TV shows and she loves to sing and laugh with them.
We absolutely love this age and being able to play and laugh with her.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nana & Gramps come to visit from NY

Nana & Gramps came to visit us from NY and we had a great time. They both made me laugh. I can't wait for them to come back again!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

7 Months Old already!!

So let's see Gabby now has 7 teeth that have already come through and 1 that is starting to, they make her look so grown up.
She is starting to crawl more and more especially on our bed and the couch, LOL
She loves to scoot around in her Jeep walker and runs us all over
Spongebob and Special Agent Oso are her new favorite shows to watch with her brother and she loves the Dell commercial with the Lollipop song, it always makes her smile
She is chatting and making all sorts of funny faces that make us all laugh, no Mama yet but I am hoping to hear it soon
The water has become her new favorite playtime activity whether it is the pool or the tub she has a blast!
She has become quite the Diva with a wardrobe I would kill for, LOL...
See you all next month!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Rub a Dub Dub, Gabby's in the tub!!

Gabriella loves taking baths and now that she got her bath seat she is even happier. Now she can sit and splash, Hooray!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gabby's Caterpillar

Gabby's new favorite toy is her Caterpillar rocker, she loves to rock back & forth...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sitting up all on her own

Gabriella is such a big girl she is now sitting up all on her own and as you can see loves it!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy 6 month Birthday Gabriella

So 1/2 of the year has come and gone already and Gabby just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
So she now weighs 15.5 lbs and is 25 inches long.
She is chatting all the time , but the only word you can understand is of course Dada!
Her favorite baby food is Sweet Potatoes and pears but lately she has been eyeing everything we eat LOL
She still only has 2 teeth but her eye teeth are starting to break the surface which has meant some sleepless nights for the rest of us, LOL
She is starting to crawl across the floor and gets around pretty fast
Playtime is now done sitting up all on her own, Hooray!!
She loves to play and laugh especially with her brother who is still her favorite with Daddy in a close second and Mommy well I am last on the list, LOL.....
Tony and I couldn't be happier to have Gabriella in our lives she has been the perfect addition to the family and we love her with all of our hearts!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Look who's holding her own bottle

Gabriella is getting to be such a big girl, today she started holding her bottle all by herself...

Monday, July 13, 2009

My most precious moment

Rocking Gabby to sleep at night is one of my favorite moments, I love holding her in my arms and watching her fall fast asleep. I wish she would stay this little forever!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gabby's First words

Well it looks like Tony wins again, Gabriella is a true Daddy's girl and her first words are of course DADA!!!

This one is for you Nana Pat

Nana Pat went to Atlantic City and brought me back this onesie, she says I talk alot just like Mommy!! Love you Nana

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Gabster has her first 2 teeth

Gabby has gotten her first 2 teeth, right in the front on the bottom. They look so cute. We think she may have some more on the way right behind them, because the drooling has gotten worse and so has her sleeping, LOL.... Stay tuned!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gabby is 5 months old today!!!

We can not believe that Gabriella is 5 months old already
She has gotten her 1st 2 teeth right in the front on the bottom
She is rolling & scooting herself all over the place
Baby Eeyore is her favorite cuddle doll
Peaches & Squash are her favorite foods & because she loves to eat she is now going into size 9 months in clothing
Her big brother is as always her favorite person and how she loves to play with him
She is trying to sit up on her own
and last but not least she has found her feet and loves to play with them LOL..
See you next month for more updates...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy, I am the luckiest little girl in the wolrd to have you as my Daddy and to my Poppy & Gramps too..... I love you very much!!!